How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance?

Want to know How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance? This Article will help you to know everything bout this.

The purpose of finance is to manage money, investments, and financial assets. Since finance is a crucial part of any organization or business, there are many career opportunities available in this profession. The question is, how many jobs are available in finance? The purpose of this blog is to shed light on the variety of careers available in finance and describe the number of jobs available within them.

It is one of the lowest unemployment sectors in the country and continues to attract top talent thanks to its impressive compensation packages. The number of finance jobs available is expected to grow faster than the average occupation over the next decade. There are expected to be 750,000 jobs in the financial and business sectors by 2030. 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the median annual wage for business and finance occupations was $76,570 in 2021. According to other sources, finance entry-level salaries average $88,160 annually.  

Most jobs in the finance sector require a bachelor’s degree. However, there is a high return on that investment. Depending on the individual’s skills and experience, the following salaries may vary.

What Is the Finance Industry?

An economy’s finance industry can be defined as the collection of economic activities, institutions, and businesses that manage and facilitate money, capital, and financial resources. As an essential part of the economy, it allocates funds, invests, manages risks, and maintains the currency’s stability.

The finance industry has many components, including banks, investment firms, insurance companies, asset management companies, stock exchanges, credit unions, and other financial intermediaries. Additionally, it provides a wide range of services, such as lending, investment management, financial planning, and insurance.

The finance industry helps individuals, businesses, and governments manage their financial needs, make investments, and mitigate risk. It is the backbone of modern economies.

Why Studying Finance is Important?

Why Studying Finance is Important?
Why Studying Finance is Important?

Finance degrees are ideal for those who want to understand how the global economy operates and what goes on behind the scenes of investment, money, and financial independence. The study of finance offers several advantages. There is always a high demand for well-paid finance jobs.

Financial education helps us make smart decisions in a capitalist world, where we always face financial decisions. Value and price become more meaningful to us when we understand their nuances. Finance will never be monotonous or insignificant; it will always be relevant, dynamic, and interesting.

What Education Are Required to Get Jobs in Finance?

It is typical for a finance professional to require a combination of specific educational background. Some skills and educational qualifications are common to all roles and subfields in finance, but some specific requirements vary:

  • Bachelor’s Degree. The majority of entry-level finance positions require a bachelor’s degree or higher. Business, finance, economics, and accounting are the most common majors.
  •  Advanced Degrees. A master’s degree in finance or business administration can enhance the career prospects and knowledge of finance professionals.
  •  Certifications. A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is a certification frequently required for investment professionals. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a certification commonly required for accountants and auditors. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is a certification commonly required for financial planners.
  •  On-the-job Training. Training and mentorship are vital in developing practical skills and industry knowledge in many finance roles.
  •  Continuing Education. The finance industry often relies on continuing education to keep up with industry trends and regulations. To achieve this, you may be required to attend seminars and workshops or earn additional certifications.
  •  Networking. The importance of building a professional network in finance cannot be overstated. Accessing opportunities, learning from professionals, and staying informed about changes in the industry can all be done through this.

The requirements may vary depending on various factors, such as the type of employer, the job level, and the location. Some finance positions, such as healthcare finance or real estate finance, may also require specific industry knowledge.

What Skills Do You Need for Jobs in Finance? 

Holding an undergraduate or Bachelor’s degree is typically necessary to join a reputable financial institution or enter the finance industry. Studying analytics, business, economics, finance, or math can also benefit you.  

Most entry-level positions in finance require Bachelor’s degrees in those fields, despite some companies’ claims that they hire a wide range of majors. If you’re interested in the industry, an online certification or minor in finance can supplement your lack of a finance degree. 

A financial institution plays an important role in allocating funds, investing, managing risk, and ensuring a smooth economy. Financial intermediaries include banks, investment companies, insurance companies, asset management companies, stock exchanges, credit unions, and other entities in the finance industry.

The company also offers diversification services, including lending, investment management, insurance, and financial planning. Finance plays a crucial role in modern economies, helping individuals, businesses, and governments to manage their finances, make investments, and minimize risks.

Here are some Skills that you need to have to work in Finance.

  • Analytical Skills. Finance requires analyzing financial data, market trends, and economic conditions. Analyzing complex data and making informed decisions are essential skills.
  •  Numerical Proficiency. Strong math skills are essential for finance professionals. Working with numbers, performing financial calculations, and analyzing data accurately is part of the job description.
  •  Critical Thinking. Professionals in financial services must be capable of thinking critically, evaluating risks and opportunities, and making strategic decisions.
  •  Problem-Solving. When working in finance, it is often necessary to find an effective solution to complex financial problems.
  •  Communication Skills. Communicating effectively is crucial when explaining financial concepts, presenting recommendations, or working with clients or colleagues.
  •  Attention to Detail. Even small errors in finance can have significant consequences. The key to avoiding costly mistakes is paying attention to details.
  •  Financial Software Proficiency. You should be familiar with financial software and tools, such as spreadsheets (e.g., Excel), financial modeling software, and trading platforms.
  •  Ethical Judgment. Finance professionals should be aware of ethics and capable of making ethical decisions, particularly when it comes to investing and managing others’ money.
  •  Time Management. Meeting deadlines and managing time efficiently are extremely important, especially in compliance and financial reporting roles.

Therefore, you should research the education and professional development requirements for the career path you are interested in and pursue appropriate education.

Types of Job in Finance

When you begin a career in finance, you are taking a great step forward in your career. Discover the different types of finance work available before looking for placements.

Business Money

Corporate finance involves managing a company’s finances. Companies that deal with corporate money want reliable, skilled, and experienced employees. The majority of jobs require a bachelor’s degree in business, finance, or management. Understanding how corporations work is crucial to setting yourself apart from competitors. A successful entry-level applicant must also possess excellent business, communication, and technical skills.


The insurance industry can be a versatile entry point into the economic field. Insurance professionals perform a variety of tasks for huge insurance policy firms. Several types of insurance jobs are available, such as salesmen, agents, client service agents, and actuaries. These roles all contribute to providing quality services to customers.

There is a continuing need for suitable prospects to fill placements in the growing insurance market. Your Bachelor’s degree in money, business, or management might qualify you for this program. Additionally, you will need certain skills according to your desired job, such as client service, monitoring, communication, and social abilities.


Banking is one of the most popular jobs in the finance industry. Financial institutions make a great first job option for anyone wanting to enter the monetary sector. A business bank provides various financial services, including checking accounts, interest-bearing accounts, finances, and IRAs.

Financial Investment

Investment professionals are primarily facilitators. Their job is to help match people and businesses with investors who can provide them with funds. A collaboration between these parties should be equally beneficial, and the investment specialist should be fairly compensated for facilitating the connection.

The financial world relies heavily on proficient financial investment specialists because several individuals and companies rely on investment companies or independent brokers to advise them on investments.

A Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, or business economics is the minimum for most financial investment experts. The certification is also required for investment advisers and bankers. Financial investment professionals’ ability to interact, arrange, and think critically are essential skills.

Financial Preparation as well as Encouragement

Another fascinating type of money job involves economic suggestions or plans. The primary objective of financial preparation is to assist a customer in developing a practical plan for their personal funds or service financial resources.

The role of monetary adviser provides you with the opportunity to use your knowledge of economics to directly assist others. If you have a good understanding of economic law, investing, or insurance policy, you may be able to assist firms and individuals in a variety of sectors.

The training for this job typically consists of a university degree in finance or service or several years of practical experience in the economic sector. For this type of job, it is necessary to possess communication skills, management skills, and an interest in information.

Marketing Director

It is common for financial institutions to require new hires to earn a bachelor’s degree before they start working. The type of job you are interested in will have different requirements for experience level and specific abilities. The company office may promote you if you perform successfully at your neighborhood branch. A career in banking could be a good fit for you if you have experience in interpersonal interaction, customer service, and management.


The role of accountants is essential to the health and wellness of any company or individual’s finances. Most of them work for an audit firm, although they can work separately. An accountant manages various economic processes to ensure a firm or company runs smoothly. Personal accountants ensure clients follow regulations and utilize their money wisely by reviewing and updating their economic records.

Accounting professionals typically hold a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, money management, or organizational management. The most effective accounting professionals have experience monitoring financials, making decisions, and communicating with managers.

How Many Jobs are Available in Finance?

The finance industry offers many careers, from accounting and banking to investment management and insurance. In 2020, the financial services industry in the United States will employ approximately 12.9 million people.

6 Highest Paying Jobs in Finance

Several positions are at the top of this list in the financial sector. Unsurprisingly, these positions are among the most sought-after in the finance industry because they require experience and time. There are many benefits to working for them, as well as career security and opportunities for professional development.

Chief Financial Officer

The chief financial officer (CFO) manages the company’s budget, makes cost decisions, and directs the financial team. Due to his financial leadership, extensive network, and experience, a CFO is among the highest-paid finance jobs. 

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$314,481 – $528,583financial management, financial analysis, accounting, consulting, leadership, and strategic visionBachelor’s degree in an industry-related field and perhaps a Master’s degree in business administration (MBA)
Chief Financial Officer

Chief Compliance Officer 

The highest-paying finance job on our list is the Chief compliance officer. The compliance executive oversees all compliance-related activities and departments within a company to ensure strict compliance with laws.  

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$197,001 – $278,101comprehensive knowledge of regulatory guidelines, security policies, compliance issues, risk management, and ethical principlesBachelor’s and possibly master’s degrees in related fields
Chief Compliance Officer 

Hedge Fund Manager

An investor’s hedge fund manager runs the hedge fund’s operations and ensures a diversified investment portfolio. They are responsible for overseeing all hedge fund investments. Among the responsibilities of a hedge fund manager, one of the highest-paying finance jobs, is managing investors’ investment objectives, liquidity, and fees.  

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$86,006 – $130,045Knowledge of financial instruments, knowledge of financial markets, risk tolerance, portfolio construction, interpersonal communication, finance modeling, and quick math skills.A bachelor’s degree in a related field is required.
Hedge Fund Manager

Private Equity Associate

The private equity associates work for investment banks and find investors, help them invest, and perform due diligence on existing investors. A private equity associate’s ability to communicate interpersonally must be excellent.

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$85,931 – $114,295industry knowledge, the ability to model and analyze information, business strategy, investment banking, corporate consulting, negotiation, networking, and communication skills.Bachelor’s degree in an industry-related field and perhaps a Master’s degree in business administration (MBA)
Private Equity Associate

Financial Advisor

A financial advisor’s job is one of the highest-paying in finance because they help their clients achieve their financial goals by investing in products that will help them meet them. In addition to helping with life events such as saving for college and retirement, they also assist with significant life events. The majority of financial advisors’ time is spent meeting with clients, identifying new opportunities, and helping clients with investment strategies. 

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$70,482 – $147,000Certification in financial planning, retirement planning, analysis of market trends, communication, sales planning, industry knowledge, interpersonal networking skills, and active listening.Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) are preferred but not required.
Financial Advisor

Insurance Advisor

Insurance advisors assist people in choosing the right insurance plans to protect their possessions and loved ones. These experts offer financial guidance by listening to long- and short-term needs and providing insurance-specific advice. 

Average Yearly SalarySkills RequiredQualifications Required
$50,714 – $64,899Good verbal and written communication skills, compliance, licensing, and product knowledgePossibly a college degree and a high school diploma
Insurance Advisor

Requirements for jobs in Finance Consumer Services

Finance and consumer services jobs can have different requirements depending on the company and the specific role. These are some of the general requirements employers are looking for in the consumer finance sector:

University Education

Most finance consumer services jobs require a finance, economics, business, or accounting degree. An entry-level position typically requires a bachelor’s degree, while a master’s degree might be required for higher positions. Some roles require or require relevant qualifications, such as the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), or the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Previous Work Experience

Previous experience in finance and consumer services is important to qualify for many jobs. Some employers in the sector may consider your internship experience for an entry-level job, although the specific requirements may vary by role and company. Senior-level or management positions typically require more than five years of finance industry experience, while mid-level roles typically require two to five years of experience.

Relevant experience in accounting, financial analysis, risk management, investment banking, or related fields is possible. An employer’s focus may also dictate whether they prefer candidates with experience in a specific industry, such as banking, insurance, or investment management.

Pros and Cons of Jobs in Finance

Here are the Pros & Cons of Jobs in Finance


One of the biggest advantages of finance careers is the pay. Finance jobs are typically more lucrative than other professions. There are also some notable benefits, including decent working conditions, a degree of flexibility, and the possibility of using your skills elsewhere. A good understanding of numbers and finance is highly desirable in every industry, so if you’re interested in changing careers, you should be able to find them easily.


Finance careers have their drawbacks, just like any other field. The finance industry is generally quite cyclical and comes with high stress, a lot of responsibility, long working hours, and continuing education requirements.


Is Finance a Good Career Path?

You have to decide based on your interests. An occupation in this field might be worth exploring if you have a passion for numbers, money, and math. The finance industry offers many perks, including decent salaries and jobs that suit a variety of personalities and skills. The sector is also expected to grow in the future.

What is the Average Salary in the Finance Industry?

A wide range of job functions are available in any industry, and salaries vary according to those functions. The average entry-level salary for an executive position is six figures, while the average salary for an entry-level position is $50,000. An average salary of $80,000 to $90,000 is calculated for the financial industry. 

What is the Most Common Job in Finance?

Bankers are the most well-known professionals in the financial industry. Someone looking to enter the financial sector would be well advised to work in a bank as an entry-level job. Commercial banks offer IRAs, loans, savings and checking accounts, and other financial services.

Is Finance a Stable Career?

Yes. Finance skills are in such high demand that qualified professionals won’t likely remain unemployed for very long, regardless of the sector’s cyclical nature. During recessions, banks and brokerages tend to lay off many employees.


Finance offers various career options, such as accounting, banking, insurance, and investment management. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the financial services industry employs approximately 12.9 million people, and job prospects for many finance careers are positive. Most fields require a strong background in finance, accounting, economics, or a related field as a prerequisite to certification. A finance career can be rewarding and lucrative if you have the right skills and education.

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